on the quest for freedom and connection

with Silvana Del Rosso and Christopher Gottwald


This event is a mix between a WORKSHOP and a DANCE EVENT, during which you are invited to just be - be just the way you are.


How would it feel if we got together, to look into each other’s eyes, to face and touch each other, without the fear of unwanted things happening to us?

We are present and invite every feeling that is within us: wild, gentle, rascally, curious, cautious or playful! With all of this, we are showing ourselves to each other!


For the evening we have TWO AGREEMENTS, which we shall all agree upon:


1. We are honest with each other; we show our impulses as well as we are setting our boundaries!

GREEN:        Continue doing what you are doing! You may also intensify if you want!
YELLOW:     What you are doing is okay, but don't intensify! Please do it slower or stay            there for a moment!

RED:            Stop doing what you are doing! Go out of contact for a moment and say                   „Thank you“. After that we can start something new.

2. Nothing of what we do during this evening has any binding consequences for the future. That is to say, if we dance together it doesn’t mean that we are going to kiss each other. And if we kiss each other it doesn't mean that we exchange phone numbers or that we will go home together, get married or are going to have kids – it simply means, that in this moment we want to kiss each other – nothing else!


If we follow those two agreements, we can let go of greed and fear and can just dive into the experience of the now! Every human being in this room is a gift for all others – exactly the way he or she is – with all the craziness, playfulness and individuality! We are celebrating you and every one, mother earth and the connection between all of us!



No shoes, no drugs, no alcohol, no tobacco!
Contact Impro dancers are welcome! All genders and sexual orientations are welcome!




18:00 Admission, have a cup of tea, warm-up...

18:30 We close the doors! Opening circle with the traffic-light-game, a few exercises to practice our perception and connection skills and to quest ways to a playful, honest and curious way to relate to each other.

From that point on (19:00) we will get dancing and be guided by Silvana’s music wave.

22:30 We will end the evening with a sharing circle


LOCATION: Haus LebenskunstMehringdamm 34, 2nd backyard, 10961 Berlin 

COST Berlin: 20€ (normal fee), 15€ (discounted fee), 25€ (supporter fee)

COST other city: 25€ (normal fee), 20€ (discounted fee), 30€ (supporter fee)
REGISTRATION: no registration needed!
But you are more than welcome to confirm ,GOING' on Facebook: 
QUESTIONS: renate@christopher-gottwald.de





** Dance first – think later**

SILVANA DEL ROSSO is a passionate dancer and conscious dance DJ.

I love it to get out of the head and to let music lead my body. It connects me to my source, to my personal power and I feel pure joy, love and connection.”

To guide this journey to yourself, which is the place from which a connection with others can unfold naturally, Silvana’s DJ-set usually flows like a wave through all sorts of music styles which will touch your heart, pump energy through your body and will make you jump up and down out of pure joy.“





** Only if I am fully in touch with me, I’ll be able to truly be with you!**

CHRISTOPHER GOTTWALD (lectures, playshops and sessions in the areas of love, intimacy and relationships) is living polyamory since 17 years and is dancing Contact Improvisation for the same time!

If I am fully connected to myself and at the same time fully engaged with others.” Responsibility, reliability and communion are by no means contradictory to personal freedom – they can become parts of a new way of relating.


translation: Nicole Bolz


Sitzungen für Einzelne, Paare und Konstellationen zu den Themen Beziehung, Liebe, Sexualität

(online oder live)



06. bis 10.09., südwestlich von München

L!ebe Leben Lust FestWeWell
Festival von und mit Liebe tanzen München

Ohne Anmeldung:

09.09., 18 Uhr
Haus Lebenskunst, Berlin

Liebe tanzen
zusammen mit Silvana Del Rosso

Ohne Anmeldung:

23.09., 18 Uhr
Haus Lebenskunst, Berlin

Liebe tanzen
zusammen mit Silvana Del Rosso

25. bis 29.09.,

Spitzmühle bei Berlin
Liebe frei und authentisch

zusammen mit Vine Rupp

Ohne Anmeldung:

07.10., 18 Uhr
Haus Lebenskunst, Berlin

Liebe tanzen
zusammen mit Silvana Del Rosso

11. bis 18.10., Ganeshamor, La Palma 

zusammen mit Roland Frenzel

Ohne Anmeldung:

21.10., 18 Uhr
Haus Lebenskunst, Berlin

Liebe tanzen
mit Silvana Del Rosso (ohne Christopher)

Ohne Anmeldung:

04.11., 18 Uhr
Haus Lebenskunst, Berlin

Liebe tanzen
zusammen mit Silvana Del Rosso

Ohne Anmeldung:

13.11., 18 Uhr
Haus Lebenskunst, Berlin

Liebe tanzen
zusammen mit Silvana Del Rosso

26.11. - 01.12.,
Spitzmühle bei Berlin

Liebe Machen
zusammen mit Vine Rupp

Ohne Anmeldung:

02.12., 18 Uhr
Haus Lebenskunst, Berlin

Liebe tanzen
zusammen mit Silvana Del Rosso

Ohne Anmeldung:

14.12., 18 Uhr, Freiburg

Liebe tanzen
zusammen mit Ursula Belting

Ohne Anmeldung:

16.12., 18 Uhr
Haus Lebenskunst, Berlin

Liebe tanzen
zusammen mit Silvana Del Rosso

30.12. bis 10.01.2025, Ganeshamor, La Palma 

Liebe Sein Silvesterretreat
zusammen mit Vine Rupp, Klara Bulinova und Roland Frenzel


31.08. - 06.09.,
Oaze bei Pápa (Ungarn)

Liebe Machen
zusammen mit Vine Rupp

Druckversion | Sitemap
© Christopher Gottwald